Welcome to Camkwoki Grassroot Initiative for Development

Vision “An Empowered Community striving for self-sustainability and living above the poverty line”

Mission “The empowerment of the community through well-designed programs for wealth creation and prosperity”



Agriculture and Livelihood

Camkwoki promotes Farmer Field Schools. FFS is a participatory advisory approach based on experiential learning (learning by doing). The main objective of FFS is not to disseminate new technical knowledge to farmers, but to strengthen their capacity to identify a problem, seek solutions, and experiment and adapt their practices. By relying on exchanges within groups of peers, FFS also seeks to strengthen collective action.



Promotion of climate change activities in schools and communities

Camkwoki NGO Office sign post

Camkwoki NGO LOGO

Camkwoki Grassroot Initiative for Development Limited 

Camkwoki NGO Implemented Orange Flesh Sweet Potato

Farmers picking Orange Flesh Sweet Potato vines and adding value

Camkwoki Farmer Field School activities

Camkwoki Clean Energy Project

Camkwoki promotes youth in agriculture

Camkwoki Organic Products

Camkwoki Quality Protein Maize Project

Camkwoki Covid 19 Activities

Camkwoki works towards attaining the UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS

Clean and Renewable Energy

In Lira City/District, alternative sources of renewable energy are either simply unavailable or unaffordable for more than 85% of consumers. These households used open fires to cook their food, meaning they used more firewood, hence increasing deforestation. Additionally, approximately 92% of all wood used by households is also classified as non-renewable, leading to increased deforestation within the Lango subregion and Lira District specifically. Charcoal stoves are traditionally used by urban households and are widely used all over Uganda. With an increasing use of charcoal in rural areas, it is beginning to emerge as an alternative for the rural population.

Aims and Objectives

  1. The project aims to reduce reliance on wood fuel among participating households by providing clean technologies
  2. To market  thousands of  improved energy-efficient cooking stoves
  3. To improve the capacity of the target groups to plan and manage available resources in a sustainable and profitable way
  4. Create access to solar lighting system
  5.  To sensitize and increase awareness of the need to conserve the environment/trees


  1. Community Education and awareness-raising on clean energy
  2. Registration of beneficiaries
  3. Promotion and advertising
  4. Distribution of stoves
  5. Linkages to solar products
  6. Monitoring

Advocacy and Human rights


  1. Land disputes.
  2. Poor and inadequate infrastructure (roads, water points, markets)
  3. Inadequate access to modern farming technologies.
  4. Environmental degradation
  5. HIV/AIDS and Sexual Gender Based Violence

Relevancy  of the advocacy issues

  1. Land is a major factor of production hence need for secure land free of wrangles so as to promote production.
  • Issues of access and control over land. Need to look at the land tenure system- ownership or, and access to land by cultural leaders. We need to know  when people have access to land,  whether they own the outputs got from the land
  1. Poor and inadequate infrastructure (roads, water points, markets). Roads help farmer’s access markets, health facilities and water points. Water helps in production, home use and animals. Markets provide access to buyers. To create markets, farmers should be organized into groups so as to provide a common market for their products. Unfavorable trade policies should be advocated against (sensitize communities to break silence on pressing related issues so as to influence policy makers)
  2. Access to modern farming technologies. Use of farming tools e.g. ox ploughs etc, improved and certified seeds/breeds, promote use of organic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. This will lead to increased productivity, increased acreage, soil fertility management, and pest and disease control
  3. Environmental degradation. Need for enforcement of existing by-laws that are meant to protect the environment. Need to improve on farming methods that deplete the environment. Afforestration and strengthening of community safety nets, use of improved cooking stoves, alternative energy sources e.g. solar, biogas e.t.c. These clearly will help achieve objective
  4. HIV/AIDS and Sexual based gender violence are on the increase in Lango subregion

The most common human rights violations in Lango subregion are:

  • Detention beyond the mandatory 48 hours by police
  • Imprisoning civil debtors without following due process of the law
  • Denial of bail because of the absence of chief magistrate
  • Torture by fellow imamates in prisons;
  • Trumped up charges against civil society activists
  • Counter accusations to defeat justice;
  • Hard labor for suspects on remand;
  • Denial of Police bond to suspects in police custody
  • Protecting fellow law enforcers who committed crimes. Eg Police shooting suspects dead



1. Improving  education in Lango subregion thruogh dialogue, workshops, stakeholder engagements and collaboration

2. Student-Centricity: We center the voices, priorities and wellbeing of the students and families we work with in every decision we make and every action we take.



1. Innovation: We move quickly and continuously to innovate our approach in response to the needs of our community. 

2. Youth PowerWe believe in the limitless potential of young people. We are deeply connected with young people, their parents, and our community. We commit to allowing their voices to guide our work and to doing whatever it takes to help them thrive.

3. Transparency and Accountability: We hold ourselves accountable to the highest level of ethical behaviour and responsibility for our actions, while maintaining integrity in our performance.

4. Teamwork and Partnerships: We value the transformative impact of collaboration, Networking, and Partnership. By working together, fostering open communication, furthering understanding, and implementing joint activities



5. ResilienceWe know that adversity can build us up instead of tearing us down. The strength and wisdom borne out of struggle are very empowering. We celebrate our successes amidst challenging times

6. Justice and Equity: – We affirm the dignity and worth of each community member while recognizing and working to combat the structural forces that have harmed some groups while benefiting others.

7. Gender equality and equity: we recognize the need for our work to reflect and promote respect for gender and diversity issues. We strive for equity and work toward solutions to eliminate structural and systemic inequalities that contribute to food insecurity

8. Learning and OpennessWe build spaces for engagement, reflection, and developing competencies in line with our work. As part of that growth process, we must acknowledge our missteps with humility and lean into our responsibility to learn and evolve.


Donors and Partners Who Supported Camkwoki Projects and Programs

 ICCO Cooperation Logo PNG Vector logoIcon imageFAO - Food and Agriculture Organizations Logo PNG VectorASARECA

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Camkwoki Grassroot Initiative for Development Limited 

Email: camkwoki@camkwoki.org


Call Anytime or whatsapp: (+256)755524343

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